Maths @Excels
Our tuition support in mathematics focuses on the basics and develops key skills up to an advanced level. Tutors assess learners’ attainment on every chapter studied. This provides the basis for adopting tailor measured support for every learner. To keep parents in the loop of developments in their child’s learning journey, Excel Tutors organises Parent-Tutor meetings every three months. This creates opportunity for parents and Tutors to interact and work in concert for the sake of the child’s development.

Our Approach
Provide worksheets for every topic aimed at improving learner confidence
Set weekly targets and 7 days load of homework
Cover all exam boards to support each learner in line with their specific exam board expectations.
This approach enhances students’ preparedness for their exams. Our records show that 99% of our students increase their maths grades by one level within 10 weeks. At GCSE level, we provide tuition support at foundation and higher tiers. Our support also covers GCE A Level subjects including pure maths, statistics and mechanics. Our GCE A level, GCSE and Year 6 SATs students have a minimum of 5 mock tests conducted under strict exam conditions and marked according to exam board rubrics. This provides the basis for ascertaining students’ preparedness for their specific exams and thereby design bespoke support where necessary

Excel Tutors
Empowering young learners to achieve academic excellence through tuition.
Excel Tutors is a Limited Company in England and Wales with registration number 07417709.
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